Boo’s Orange Roughy

Boo’s Orange Roughy

BOO’S ORANGE ROUGHY INGREDIENTS 4 filets of orange roughy (a great substitute is also tilapia) Lemon juice OPA! Seasoning™ INSTRUCTIONS Preheat oven at 375 degrees. Place the filets in a baking pan. Pour lemon juice over the filets until the bottom of the pan is...

Kevin’s Awesome Eggs

KEVIN’S AWESOME EGGS INGREDIENTS Fresh eggs OPA! Chicken & Seafood seasoning INSTRUCTIONS Simple scramble eggs as usual Add in OPA! seasoning Add Feta as...

Greek-Style Burgers

GREEK-STYLE BURGERS INGREDIENTS 1 lb. hamburger meat 1/3 medium onion 4 tablespoons feta cheese OPA! Meat seasoning INSTRUCTIONS Take 1 lb. of hamburger meat and combine 3 teaspoons of OPA!, 1/3 medium onion, diced and 4 tablespoons of crumbled feta cheese. Mix well....
Greek Salad

Greek Salad

GREEK SALAD INGREDIENTS 1One large tomato 1/2 cucumber Olive oil Feta cheese OPA! Salad seasoning INSTRUCTIONS Slice tomato and 1/2 cucumber. Lightly pour olive oil over both. Sprinkle OPA! salad seasoning and crumbled feta...
Shelter Chicken

Shelter Chicken

SHELTER CHICKEN INGREDIENTS 1 quartered chicken, including skin Lemon juice OPA! Seasoning™ INSTRUCTIONS Preheat oven at 375 degrees. Place the quartered chicken in a baking pan. Pour lemon juice over the chicken until the bottom of the pan is covered. Liberally...